About Us
Welcome to The Sporting Spectator. My name is Nick Kazos, I am the builder of thesportingspectator.com and main author/blogger. This is a site that will primarily concern itself with building sports content for the more informed sports enthusiast. I will discuss past, present and future issues in sport, mainly in North America, and at times with a focus on Toronto based sports franchises. I will rarely touch upon daily rumours, or the day to day events of a given schedule. I am more interested in addressing current and bigger issues facing professional and amateur sport, and its teams and athletes; giving special consideration to social, political, economical, gender and racial issues surrounding sport. On occasion I will write on other issues outside of the sporting world, I cant help but discuss more whimsical or political topics as I see fit. I am not a journalist, I do this out of personal pleasure, but I will attempt to provide quality discourse on sports topics which more closely resemble a professional enthusiast than a casual voyeur.
Feel free to share my articles in whichever social platform best suits your needs; however, I kindly ask that if you wish to borrow material from this site for the purposes of your own writing, that you make reference to the orginal source. I assure you that I will do the same. I hope you enjoy the site and become part of this community. I intend to write new content on a bi-weekly basis, I know in the world of blogging that may seem like a long time, but when I write I try to provide quality content and right now this is just a hobby for me. In time that could change. Nonetheless, I welcome your feedback and comments.
Thank you for visiting,